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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tissue Issues

Tissue Issues

I don't know about you but I feel so vulnerable when crying. I actually hate to cry.

Maturity demands that we be emotionally in control. But the reality is that sometimes we need to find a safe healthy way to express our emotions. Being with someone else who is on the verge of emotional display is disconcerting sometimes. There are those moments when we just don't know what to say as a person is visibly experiencing sorrow. What about our personal poise under the fire of life battles? Wiser heads than mine, will tell us that sometimes we don’t cry when we oughta be cryin! There is a great temptation to applaud ourselves and others as in denial of  need and pain we ... FORGE... through.... life, stiff upper lip and all.

Tears are a blessing in disguise, they signal a cup that is full. Tears are miraculous and may come to us by way of a passionate moment upon hearing the national anthem, a crumpled flower from the little hand of a child or over the losses of life. The use of tissues for the issues of our hearts is a prerequisite.   

(People used to carry hankies, years ago. My Grandmother, Nina, saved pennies and tied them up in hankies for us when we came to visit her. We thought we had won the lottery. It meant we got to walk down to Kern’s Market, cashing them in for a coke and a Hershey’s candy bar. Remembering now makes me smile, as my dad always had a pocket knife and a white hanky handy in his pocket for my tears and the blowing of this nose! Yuck! :)

The world cries together for some things. Like little Caylee Anthony, so brutally taken from this life. Catastrophic events causing mayhem in homes and lives of people here and abroad are heard of way too often.

We cry at funerals and after. Sometimes we have to wait for the shock to subside. Some people wait a long time and then fall apart when they finally do. Be careful to help put them back together when they do and not to judge too harshly as human frailty shows up in them. Remember a hug is worth a thousand words and if you find yourself crying with them you might someday find yourself laughing with them too.

While tears all the time would really be a handicap, they have an astounding ability to free us up and changes our heart tudes' if you get my drift here. They clear the dark and cloudy skies we have somehow gotten used too. I love the words from this oldies song, "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone, I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind. It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)Sun-Shiny day. I think I can make it now, the pain is gone, all of the bad feelings have disappeared. Here is the rainbow I’ve been prayin? for..It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) Sun-Shiny day."

Those words describe the spring into summer feel that comes to the heart, when finally the tears are shed.

Again, personally, I hate to cry in the presence of others. It’s just very hard to explain ones hurts to others. It’s hard to find someone who can understand and just listen and let it all go.

He listens. He works, I believe, in our lives through our tears. I just know that God, who loves us beyond measure, is able to hear us. God is waiting for the breaking of your heart and then for the tears and the sincere cries of human souls around the world. Perhaps it can be said that tears are a rallying point for wearied surrendered sojourners.

If you need to today take some time out for a good cry, you'll feel better and a little freed up. Be sure to have some tissue for the occasional issues of the heart form tears.

Make it a great day! kt

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