Hi and welcome to my first effort at "blogging". I hope you enjoy reading this post and hopefully will relate and remember a similar time in your life. I hope this will be the first of many post that we can share here.
It is summertime and with it comes back some very colorful memories gathered while growing up in sunny So Cal! I think about this story a whole lot and it encourages me time and again to keep going, keep trying and focus on what is really important.
To my then, eight year old mind, bicycles were freedom to go quickly down the sidewalk of life, to places I had never been and to go farther than ever before. I had certainly longed with all my heart to be perched atop the seat of a Schwinn two wheeler (less training wheels). To know that feeling that others, looking on knew that I had arrived at a certain pinnacle in life and that I would share the world of those who knew this freedom, seemed well, intoxicating. Trying to get me bike-worthy, Uncle Bob (greatest uncle in the whole universe) had held me upright for a time and then, let go of the bike without me realizing it. I was driving my own brand new bicycle. His affirmation of, "You can do it, Katie, keep going!" was ringing in my ears. It was a moment I will never forget, as I was finally wheeling along all by myself. Independence surged through my heart and mind ... until, I decided to see if I could look away for a moment. When I did I looked back to find the bike was leaning a little to far to the right. Whoooosh and crunch could describe what happened next!
Roses are hearty souls. In California, in the summertime, they are in full bloom. Stately and serene they stood, braving the temps of a summer's late afternoon heat wave. Passing them several times, I remember they were exploding with color at the edge of the sidewalk.They found me there, (Uncle Bob, Aunt Nina, Grandmother and my mom, Billie) crying among the rose bushes, afraid to move. As I was flying through the air, toward the line of perhaps, 17 (gasp) rose bushes was not part of a dream sequence I had in mind. Squeezing my eyes tight, I remember thinking, "I'm going to know what it feels like to fall into those roses!! I hope it doesn't hurt!" To this day it is all a blur of green leaves, pinks, yellows and red petals. With roses tearing, petals falling, thorns piercing, branches cracking, bicycle flying, bruises, scratches ensuing. No bones broken and Band-Aids and Bactine soon were soothing my wounds. Apologies were given to the neighbors for disturbing their rose garden, which, by the way, fared much better than I did. Fortitude prevailed that day and I did get to ride my bike again.
Dreams are amazing things, they carry us forward. They make us unafraid and courageous enough to do what needs to be done to realize them. Little dreams, big dreams bring a sense of accomplishment and great joy. They don't come cheap. Just when we think we have the ride all that we want it to be, a whole new set of events and challenges are on the horizon.
As the shadows fell and the day cooled, I was a tired bicycle rider, respectful of rose bushes and all they entail, but an accomplished, wiser and a better experienced traveler of life's journey.
Make it a great one today and enjoy the journey, KT
John 3:16