From me to me...
Standing up, determining to continue to stand, to not give up, going the extra mile, seeing the vision and moving toward the longed for result.
Continuing to love no matter what comes and to continue to stand is why we are here.
People who never give up get many more chances and get many (notice i didn't say all) things done.
People who never give up standing up, perpetuate love and the goodness of God found in the land of the living...
Knowing, believing, holding on to, resisting the urge to lay down and give up... winning the day by the very fact that you did stand up.
Life knocks us down and then it is time to get back up... we are continuously in and out of situations that tug of war at our faith and willingness to stand. Perhaps during this holiday season you are facing situations that are at the least difficult. I know that I have been through the storms of life and have realized the shining of the sun in the mornings of my life.
P.S. Included Scrooge here, as he not what we can call a stand up kind of guy, at first, but life with it's illuminating spiritual qualities brought him finally new insights on what matters are really important in life... remembering with you that fear is only an enemy to be defeated by love.
John 3:16