Uncle Joe, my Grandmother's brother, donned each day starched white linen shirts, a spiffy tie as well as smoked a pipe with cherry tobacco in it. He reminded me so much of Fred Astaire, as he moved with a casual grace and did seem so suave and sophisticated to my little girl eyes. A quiet and caring soul, he would always greet us with his Southern drawl exclaiming, "Well, look who's coming in here!" Thrilled every time, my brother Sam and I, well, we beamed as Uncle Joe gathered us up in his arms for hugs all around. He always smelled like soap, aftershave and the tobacco in his pipe. I remember consternation from him only, as my mother spoke to him about the saving grace of Jesus, and he would say, "Oh Billie, I know, I know..."
He and Great-aunt Marion lived at the top of a third floor wooden apartment building, in downtown Los Angeles, California. Asking my Mom on a hot day in the summer to carry me up those zigzagging flights was when she told me I had to grow up a little that day as she was going to have a baby, my little brother Joseph Arnold William Spear was on his way. So she said, "Katie, you can walk up." I don't think now she knew how short my legs were then and how tall those steps were to a four year old. "Just a little more, we'll be there soon...." she panted. Reminding us as we labored up to the top floor, that we must, must be quiet and not walk around or run as it would be very disturbing to the people living below. It was apparent to Sam and I that if we acted as the children that we were, we would surely be in hot lot water. At that moment we both wanted to go home and we certainly wondered how we would ever make it through dinner time and the visit following.
But, being with them, my Grandmother, Nina Franklin, lived with them at that time, too, was a delight. It was the greatest of joys to get be together as family, to hear their stories and the love they shared, even though we had to face not being kids for the entire visit.
It seems now that we made the trip from Ontario to L.A. via the new 10 freeway, to visit them on any given Sunday. Uncle Joe would entertain my dad, my brother and I as my mother, Great-aunt Marion (sometimes Great-aunt Julia, who lived in L.A. as well) and my Grandmother would be in the tiny kitchen cooking and gabbing. Always, always laughter would peal from there as something wonderful was remembered and great meals were prepared on the small stove. I remember my stomach growling, yes I said growling, as I stretched out on the blue Persian rug, savoring the aroma's of the small apartment and doing my best to stay still while playing with a pipe cleaner Uncle Joe provided to bend into different shapes.
The chicken and dumplings, the fried chicken, the roast beef, mashed potato's, green beans, lima beans, the buttered corn bread and of course the chocolate cake were some of the fare that our family enjoyed together!!! Later, the sun would set and we would "adjust the rabbit ears" and gather around the small black and white tv set to watch the Ted Mack Show http://www.originalamateurhour.com/ (ancient forerunner of America's Got Talent) and then the Ed Sullivan Show http://www.tv.com/shows/the-ed-sullivan-show/. Sam and I would fall asleep and Mom and Dad would then somehow carry us down to the car.
Just a memory now. The greatest one though, is knowing that before my Great Uncle Joe passed away he prayed with my mother to receive Christ as His personal savior, as did my Aunt Marion. One day there will be a great reunion and they will be there. My prayer and fondest hope is that you will too.
John 3:16
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