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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Merry Christmas Lights...

Merry Christmas Lights...

Brokenness as a Gift

So guess what? Sometimes it seems as if a hurricane has come through and swept away everything. But in the middle of it all, is the gift of seeing His miracles, His plan, purpose and provision.

Strains of "White Christmas" filled the air earlier tonight as on the way home from somewhere, I noticed a whole street, cul-de-sac and another street, teeming with lights. People were walking, looking and talking with the most generous expressions among deer, elves, Christmas Nativities, Santa’s and trees wrapped from top to bottom with lights of brilliant color. The many people groups who now live in Southern California made up the faces represented there, all sharing the lights, sights and sounds of Christmas.

Taking in the scene, the people strolling sharing a very cool California night, with a starry sky overhead, I couldn't help but know again, that Jesus is the light of the world. I thought too of this scripture: “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17. (Tony P., if you read this blog, I remember your mandolin solos and our worship team being blessed as we raised this verse up to the Lord in worship.)

Out of the crisis points of our lives come opportunities to see the reality of His love for us and for the world. John 3:16 says it all, doesn’t it?
Losing Steve, my husband, companion, lover, best friend, confidant, for thirty five years to a sudden heart attack, (four years ago) has brought me to a place of numbness, pain, tears and more, only to turn to the source of everything for my life. God is the God who is there when no one else is or can be. I would have never chosen this place for myself or for anyone else. It is one of the most difficult of events to lose someone you love and depend upon. Tears have been an unwanted companion for far too long at times. But, I am here to tell you that healing, renewed confidence and yes, JOY can be found as we surrender all to Christ.

Over the radio, listening to a local Christian radio station, I heard a song come one with the phrase, "sweetly broken" in it. Well, it just stopped me in my tracks as I tried to wrap my mind around it. It makes me think of the crushed rose whose fragrance fills the room at its crushing. Perhaps this phrase, sweetly broken, describes better what happens as God places a life on His wheel and we are on our way to becoming more of His creation than the creation of our own minds and hands.

 I remember my mama singing with her beautiful crystal soprano voice,"He washed my eyes with tears, that I might see... the broken heart I had was good for me... He tore it all apart and looked inside, to find it full of sin and foolish pride. He took away that things that made me blind and then I saw the clouds were silver lined." Some would question the phrases of this old Christian tune, but wiser heads won't. For every word has been proven in millions of lives around the world.
The good news is that Jesus came from the Father’s heart of love. He came bringing light for all the world to see the way to go. He came bringing healing and hope for our broken places. And, for all of us standing staring at a deep starry night and the lights of Christmas there is Peace on Earth, Good will to men.... He is the everlasting, all powerful light of the world and He is the healer of those who surrender to Him.

Sweetly broken,
John 3:16

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Gift of Standing Up!

The Gift of Self Talk on Standing UP:

From me to me...

Standing up, determining to continue to stand, to not give up, going the extra mile, seeing the vision and moving toward the longed for result.
Continuing to love no matter what comes and to continue to stand is why we are here.
People who never give up get many more chances and get many (notice i didn't say all) things done.
People who never give up standing up, perpetuate love and the goodness of God found in the land of the living...
Hoping beyond hope, gives way to faith acting upon the vision hope brings...
Knowing, believing, holding on to, resisting the urge to lay down and give up... winning the day by the very fact that you did stand up.

Life knocks us down and then it is time to get back up... we are continuously in and out of situations that tug of war at our faith and willingness to stand. Perhaps during this holiday season you are facing situations that are at the least difficult. I know that I have been through the storms of life and have realized the shining of the sun in the mornings of my life.

And, yes we need this self talk, but we also need validation from others along the way.   Give someone a hug and words of encouragement today. And, if you like this share with others and "like" my blog!!! Thanks for standing with me.


P.S. Included Scrooge here, as he not what we can call a stand up kind of guy, at first, but life with it's illuminating spiritual qualities brought him finally new insights on what matters are really important in life... remembering with you that fear is only an enemy to be defeated by love.

John 3:16

Friday, November 4, 2011

Uncle Joe's Place and Ted Mack

Uncle Joe, my Grandmother's brother, donned each day starched white linen shirts, a spiffy tie as well as smoked a pipe with cherry tobacco in it. He reminded me so much of Fred Astaire, as he moved with a casual grace and did seem so suave and sophisticated to my little girl eyes. A quiet and caring soul, he would always greet us with his Southern drawl exclaiming, "Well, look who's coming in here!" Thrilled every time, my brother Sam and I, well, we beamed as Uncle Joe gathered us up in his arms for hugs all around. He always smelled like soap, aftershave and the tobacco in his pipe. I remember consternation from him only, as my mother spoke to him about the saving grace of Jesus, and he would say, "Oh Billie, I know, I know..."

He and Great-aunt Marion lived at the top of a third floor wooden apartment building, in downtown Los Angeles, California. Asking my Mom on a hot day in the summer to carry me up those zigzagging flights was when she told me I  had to grow up a little that day as she was going to have a baby, my little brother Joseph Arnold William Spear was on his way. So she said, "Katie, you can walk up." I don't think now she knew how short my legs were then and how tall those steps were to a four year old. "Just a little more, we'll be there soon...." she panted. Reminding us as we labored up to the top floor, that we must, must be quiet and not walk around or run as it would be very disturbing to the people living below. It was apparent to Sam and I that if we acted as the children that we were, we would surely be in hot lot water. At that moment we both wanted to go home and we certainly wondered how we would ever make it through dinner time and the visit following.

But, being with them, my Grandmother, Nina Franklin, lived with them at that time, too, was a delight. It was the greatest of joys to get be together as family, to hear their stories and the love they shared, even though we had to face not being kids for the entire visit.

It seems now that we made the trip from Ontario to L.A. via the new 10 freeway, to visit them on any given Sunday. Uncle Joe would entertain my dad, my brother and I as my mother, Great-aunt Marion (sometimes Great-aunt Julia, who lived in L.A. as well) and my Grandmother would be in the tiny kitchen cooking and gabbing. Always, always laughter would peal from there as something wonderful was remembered and great meals were prepared on the small stove. I remember my stomach growling, yes I said growling, as I stretched out on the blue Persian rug, savoring the aroma's of the small apartment and doing my best to stay still while playing with a pipe cleaner Uncle Joe provided to bend into different shapes.

The chicken and dumplings, the fried chicken, the roast beef, mashed potato's, green beans, lima beans, the buttered corn bread and of course the chocolate cake were some of the fare that our family enjoyed together!!! Later, the sun would set and we would "adjust the rabbit ears" and gather around the small black and white tv set to watch the Ted Mack Show (ancient forerunner of America's Got Talent) and then the Ed Sullivan Show Sam and I would fall asleep and Mom and Dad would then somehow carry us down to the car.

Just a memory now. The greatest one though, is knowing that before my Great Uncle Joe passed away he prayed with my mother to receive Christ as His personal savior, as did my Aunt Marion. One day there will be a great reunion and they will be there. My prayer and fondest hope is that you will too.

John 3:16

Friday, September 30, 2011

No One Like Him

You may look all over the world.
You may look under your bed.
You may look up high in the sky.
You may look till your eyes turn red.
Finding Roses by Katie Sperry, (digital painting)
But ....
you'll never find.....
......anyone like..... Him...
for .... He is the rose of Sharon ...
The bright and morning star...
The lily of the valley...
The Prince of Peace...
The I Am that I Am...
He knows your name... counts the hairs of your head...brought the the sun up this morning.
The stars came out because He told them to.
The waves crash with the tide by His design and the earth's spin is set in motion by his voice.

You may look all over the world.
You may look under your bed.
You may look up high in the sky.

You may cry, and yes ... look till your eyes turn red.
you and I will NEVER find.... anyone like Jesus, my friend.

In His love,


John 3:16

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Land of Suddenly, Dungeons and Dragons

Picture by Betty Mincer Nybakken
Going through and staying true...
..Some think they have the corner on the market when it comes to life. Many plod into a "suddenly" and life is not the same. It is there in the Land of Suddenly, that we have a critical mass of decision. Much like C.S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia come to life in an alternate universe, we we find dungeons and dragons to contend with. It seems it is all part of God's plan and purpose to reveal His heart of love for us. No REALLY! Through... rescue, healing, comfort and restoration we begin to process the knowledge of who and what this supernatural companion is all about. We soon quickly realize, this personage is not tame at all... He thinks out of the box at all times and at all costs.

Being loved by the God of the universe is staggering, amazing. He desires the closest of walks with us; for it is there that we can become one with this companion. I know this, as one surrendered heart and life, His heart beats for the world to know Him. It was for their freedom He came. Enclosed in the deepest dungeon we find Him there with a steady hand on the mouths of hungry lions... Confronted by the most challenging of dragons we know Him as the Prince of Peace. If we listen we hear His songs of deliverance through the long dark nights of the soul.

How exhilarating life can be, how challenging it is as well. Sometimes we fall down and yes, how wonderful it is to discover that He is the God of second, third and fourth chances. We are not alone my friend. Bottom line here!

So ... today, with me and a great host of others, go through and stay true.

p.s. thanks so much Betty for the picture.

John 3:16
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Monday, September 26, 2011

Benjamin Franklin Knew What Made Us Great as a People and a Nation

The link above will take you to where this is found on the internet, but I just couldn't help wanting to share with you all what I think made the people who founded this nation great. These truth's still have the ability to lift us up and over circumstances as they bring the blessings of Almighty God upon a people and a nation. Benjamin Franklin leaves us a great heritage and we can only better ourselves by the taking his writings here to heart.

"As we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we should do freely and generously.

These names of virtues, with their precepts, were:

1. TEMPERANCE. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.
2. SILENCE. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.
3. ORDER. Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.
4. RESOLUTION. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.
5. FRUGALITY. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing.
6. INDUSTRY. Lose no time; be always employ'd in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.
7. SINCERITY. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.
8. JUSTICE. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.
9. MODERATION. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
10. CLEANLINESS. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation.
11. TRANQUILLITY. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.
12. CHASTITY. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation.
13. HUMILITY. Imitate Jesus and Socrates.

My list of virtues contain'd at first but twelve; but a Quaker friend having kindly informed me that I was generally thought proud; [...] I determined endeavoring to cure myself, if I could, of this vice or folly among the rest, and I added Humility to my list."

Benjamin Franklin wrote this list of virtues as something to strive for. Each week he would focus on one virtue and record in his journal the number of times he failed. The next week he would focus on a different virtue. When the first virtue came around again, he would compare his progress with his previous effort. Franklin always hoped to see himself improve in virtue though he did not expect to ever reach perfection.

John 3:16

Saturday, September 24, 2011

First Fall Leaf 2011

Beautiful Claremont Village, a sizzling hot day about two weeks ago, hosted the scene of a startling first fall leaf... performing ... a smooth little dance... called "The First Fall Leaf Dance of 2011". It was one of those moments when it all stands still and you just stare... I remember it turned over and over, with a diagonal course from it's all green full foliage tree.  Never saw it reach the ground as I sped past at 25 mph. But I had seen it dance and knew that nature would soon wear an Autumn gown. It was a signaling to me and now you, that yes, a change of season has come.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Clara Mae

You cannot talk about her without talking about the bedrock of her life.

When she was young, very young, she remembers the church services and bible studies held in their living room. There was always prayer, a seeking of God and a leading of others to know and be saved. John 3:16.

Clara Mae and Grandson Jason
She is very funny in quiet ways. She loves her family, friends and church and they love her, one and all. If you have been around her very much you have been privileged to watch a life well lived. Although she would be the first to say how imperfect one can be, she would also tell you that the Jesus is always with us no matter what. You will find her on any given day reading her Bible, praying, cross-stitching and crossword puzzling!

Small in frame, but oh, so mighty in God. Her pelvis fractured this week. On the way from the hospital emergency room to the rehab, she told the paramedics about her Jesus. I am watching her go through this latest challenge and am in awe of her. She says, "I am believing God for a speedy recovery." Her piercing brown eyes look right through you into the supernatural world, taking hold of tangible faith and bringing it into our world. 

She was born in the state of Wyoming. Soon after the family moved to Long Beach, CA, she remembers being baptized in the Pacific Ocean, just off of the Beaumont Pier as a three year old. She related to Earlene and I how she was so afraid of the water, but wanted to be baptized enough that she overcame that in order to do it. Quite a determined three year old I say. She never forgot it, and she says it came from the fact that her mother Coral and her Aunt Leta held services in their home each night. The atmosphere was saturated with the presence of God and when she was a little older at the ripe old age of six, she recalls, praying in the closet under the stairway to receive the "baptism in the Holy Ghost". . . and guess what, she did.You may like to read more about this element in the Bible, Act chapter 2.

She is a faithful follower and lover of Jesus, a great grandmother, a grandmother, a mom, a prayer warrior, a bold witness. She was the wife of a pastor and her son, became a pastor. She was a Women's Ministries Leader in her local Assemblies of God for years, as well as being pne of the first women grocery clerks during WWII!!!

Today she said, " I've never doubted the Holy Ghost or my salvation. I haven't always been as strong as I wanted to be. I prayed and asked God to help me and He did." Clara's is a life lived in the shadow of His wings. It is the Word of God, stronger than any two edged sword, to the tearing down of strongholds, evidenced in the lives of all those she prays for, that I believe marks her.

She was better today and I hope you will lift her up in prayer.

In His love,

John 3:16

Thursday, September 15, 2011

C J Needs Blankets and Jesus!

You never know what a day will hold. Jesus is still the answer for the world today.....

Tonight I saw her coming toward me, just up ahead, out of the dark with her three dogs in tow. Dressed in a spaghetti strap pink blouse and blue jean shorts she was a sight. She pushed a stroller filled to the brim with "stuff", no babies. Crying that her boyfriend of five years, had stolen her blankets for the night, she was a puddle of tears and fears, I asked her name. She exclaimed, "C J". I couldn't help feeling for her and went back into the church, hoping to help her out for the moment. Something to keep her warm and food for her and her dogs had been found.My daughter in law, Debbie, senior pastor of the church took all this on in stride as the homeless are always a stones throw away from the door of the Wesleyan United Methodist Church on Arlington, in Riverside, Ca. With kind resolve she went about filling the immediate felt needs of a homeless sister standing at the door of the church. Prayer, blankets and the filling of empty stomachs for both her and the dogs and the night was a little better for CJ.

PS - John 3:16

Friday, September 9, 2011

Watermelon Tea, Lily Hope, Mommy Wendi and me!

Lyli Hope, Mommy Wendi and me,
yes we three,
had fabulous fun at our "Watermelon Tea".

Wendi a daffodil yellow and Lyli a perfectly pink cup, and yes I had the sweet green

... filled with such a lovely ambrosia of watermelon tea.

What a joyful time had we, laughing and singing while nibbling lemon crumpets and sipping amazing watermelon tea.


John 3:16

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wowza Moments

First sight of your children and grandchildren.
Saying the prayer of repentance unto salvation.

When Rhema comes to you from the Word of God.
Realization of answered prayer.

Looking into the eyes of someone who loves you.

Winning Bishop High School home football games when your kids are playing.
Losing Bishop High School home football games when your kids are playing.

Sunsets and sunrises.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Marantha Summer! 2011 Fall is Coming!

Summer is almost over, can you believe it? Along with all the wonderful things that summer is (home grown fruits and veggies, baseball games, bar-b-q, vacation, travel time and weather and so much more...) we
have experienced an incredible season of cooler than normal temps, sizzling heat, earthquakes where they don't normally happen, many many tornado's and now enormous HURRICANES! Can you believe this?

Many people are asking themselves, "What is going on?"  A relative who normally doesn't express any belief in God, asked me just that, "What is going on?" seemingly baffled, she continued, "I believe that it is the end of time, like some of the ministers are talking about on t.v.? What do you think?"

What an opportunity it was to tell someone that yes we can know the season when the Lord's return will be. And, that we can only be ready to meet Him by receiving the gift of eternity in Heaven by praying a prayer of repentance.

So now... Fall is on the horizon...

Today I was out in town and noticed how lush and green the trees are now. I couldn't help seeing them in my minds eye, dressed in a soon to be pallet of umbers, golds, and scarlets.

Just as the seasons, change and vary, so is the world now in a different time and yes, season. Maranatha!

In His love,


P.S. John 3:16

The Road Named Surrender

Proverbs 23
No one tells you the name of the road, only that you have to walk it by yourself, no one else can walk it for you... so the song goes.

Recently heard this quote, "Life is not about the journey, but about the connections you make along the way." So true don't you think? So to remember that we are not really alone is a good thing, but to also know that we do walk along alone in so much of life is also a good thing. For then we know that we need to gain the resources it takes to be a vibrant, living, well human being. Be thankful for family and friends who walk with you through the storms of life, but know that we really are on our own on so many varied levels.

Fishing Friends Parade by Katie Sperry
Also, my friend Josie has this emblazoned on a plaque decorating a wall in her home, "Life is measured by every moment that takes your breath away." Probably true as well?

At this juncture, i am of a mind, that life is all about one thing, that is being one surrendered life. Thinking about the journey, leads me to relate a recent personal discovery. Which is the name of the road. Are you ready, (drum roll) It's name must be ..... "Surrender". We have it seems, at least most people I have been privileged to know have, an innate desire to be "The Master of Ones Own Universe", but truth be told, unseen hands plot against that happening at every turn. Life is designed to be full of many things that can include, but are not limited to: triumph, trial, error, joys, despair, restoration, happiness, unhappiness, loss, fear, challenges, hopes, hopelessness, dreams, failure, success. Yes, and then we arrive again and again, at this very important one, it is a constant, the question of surrender.

A prayer of surrender could go like this,
"Lord, I surrender to you my hopes, my dreams, my life, everything I want to be, everything I am not, everything i need to be, everything i hope to be, everything I think you want me to be, what I am, what everyone else wants me to be (etc.), I surrender them all to you."

First hand, I can tell you that as we pray a prayer similar to that one, a sense of greater peace and resource rises within. Relaxing a tightfisted grip on the process of life, trusting God enough for us to realize His grip on us ushers us to the places we need to be in heart and mind.

Happy traveling,


John 3:16

Friday, September 2, 2011


Summer night, restless dreams,

relentless cricket chirping on the front porch,

front screen door open, fan blowing...

but the edges of this night...

are sensitive to a change of season breathing near.

Fall will dance in amazing finery, shimmering and turning our hearts and minds to home again...

Constantly watching for the first glimmering of gold,
amber and scarlet...are we....

while this summer night slips and sleeps around us now...

waiting for the cooler edges of the morning to come...


Where are you? tonight?


John 3:16

Vyncent and Anna

His Eye is on the Sparrow by Katie Sperry
Tonight, i stopped by the grocery store before returning home for the night and while there noticed a beautiful young black woman on a bench near the pharmacy. Her long black curly hair, her upset, tired, disappointed eyes told me a story as I spied the two children in the shopping basket. A toddler, a boy was seated in the seat of the basket, a baby girl in a carrier, was placed in the well of the basket, both looking as if they were up way after their bedtime. Obviously waiting for a prescription to be filled, the woman sat with her head down and her arms crossed in her lap. She looked up slightly and that's when it happened. You may think I'm a little nuts, but this is what happened then. When she looked up, such a sense of God's peace, love and longing to fill her need came over me, it literally felt as if I was drawn to stand directly in front of her, open my arms to her and say, "You look so tired, it's all going to be all right, the Lord says, it's all going to be alright." Inside I was as surprised as she was. Thinking to myself, "What did I just say?" and as soon as I did, I knew it was not me, but HIM.
Tears streamed out of her eyes and then mine, and the man seated next to her said, "Are you an angel?" I said, "No, but God has sent me over here to tell you both, He loves you so much and that He is going to help you. Trust in Him." With wide-eyed surprise registering in their faces, they proceeded to tell me that they had made a change recently, were genuinely sorry for living in ways that hurt them and were starting to follow Christ. They said my coming to talk to them this way confirmed to them that God had heard their prayers.
Humbled tonight by the experience, I am again in awe of the Father, the God of the universe, who is aware of you and I, as well as Vyncent, Anna and their little ones. That He cares and is near to the brokenhearted is certainly a truth to carry throughout this journey of life. 

God bless you all, kt
John 3:16

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chris & Sara

I met a homeless couple the other day. Their names are Chris and Sara. I don't know a lot about them, but I know they need prayer. They look like young people who just lost their way and now are trying to find their way back to a normal life. With a twenty dollar bill folded in my hand I walked to the cafe table they were seated at and asked, "Are you guys having a little bit of a rough time?" They stared at me in disbelief and nodded their heads. Chris said, looking at Sara, "This is our answer." I told them Jesus had moved in my heart to give them some cash. Sara, softly said, "I'm pregnant." I said, "The Lord sent me over here to give you this and to tell you that He is going to take care of you. He loves you very much." I placed the cash on the table. I hugged them and prayed with them.

What a blessing to bless them and to bless this little one about to enter the world. I thought I would tell you about this incident, only because I want you to pray for them.

So ... I am thinking about them tonight, wishing so much that I could have done more and now you are too. I know that prayer is the key to the closed doors of life and we can make a difference in the lives of others we bring before HIM. I'm spending time tonight on my knees for Chris, Sara and so many more in need, I am being bold and asking you to talk to the Father for others as well.



John 3:16

Monday, August 22, 2011

Blank Canvas --- Updated-- Update

(See updated pix below)

there is a blank white canvas pictured at the left here today, and I can't help but notice that it is kind of like the dawning of a new day... which can be ...
... inviting, daunting ... about which we can have mixed feelings... today, for many of us, maybe a little more daunting than inviting... then comes a tiny mighty bit of inspiration... ok .... here goes..... posting more later.

Remember someone is really crazy about you... His name is Jesus! 

Hoping you have a great day,          kt

P.S. John 3:16 An answer for life, found in the Bible, in ones heart and at the bottom of an In & Out Burger drink cup.      :)

 Update ---------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Lessons of Sorrow and Joy!

Does Sorrow lay his hand on your shoulder,

walk with you in silence on life's way,
While Joy, your bright companion once, grown colder, becomes more distant day by day?
Run not from the companionship of Sorrow, he is the messenger of God to thee; and you will thank Him in His great tomorrow-
For what you do not know now, you then see; He is God's angel, clothed in veils of night, with whom "we walk by faith" and "not by sight." -Cowman

Going through with…

Waiting for…

Learning how to BE with…

Running too love for…

Giving out for…

Living for…

Hanging in for…

Laughing with…

Listening for…


John 3:16

Monday, August 15, 2011

Little by Little

I recently heard someone say that God works this way most of the time, that is to say, little by little. Though I accept this as a truth, the fact is, it is difficult and challenging to wait while He, (God, Father, Savior, Creator) works all things out.

Have you seen the rocks changed by the crashing waves of the ocean?Or a path that has been worn by the constant tread of feet? Or the nurture it takes for a tree to grow? That's the way I think God works. We don't even notice the things He is doing in us and through us at times. Yet, He is the God, the YHWH, who is there, was there and always will be there. He is God where you are and God here with me tonight. It's all going to be ok! We see Him in every new sky in the morning and in the stars at night. Really, God is in control and He is crazy about us. He really loves us, so much...that He stretched out His arms and died. So that now He can live right inside of us. Amazing transformation happens when a soul asks Him for His purchased gift of life eternal. You see the God of the universe takes up residence when we ask Him to. Simple but genius on the Saviors part.

But, it is true too, that most of the time... He ... works .... little by little. We are always in a hurry. He isn't, He is always right on time. He is the God who is there, was there and always will be there. If you are discouraged today, tonight or whenever you get around to reading this blog effort, know that He is working now for you and I, little by little. I know that it helps me tonight to know that God is working in the world in not only my life, but untold lives, bringing hope and miracles. Why, because He loves so deeply every human being alive. He gives us the opportunity to join Him in the work He is doing around the world.

Love is found in Him, no need to search further. His Word, to us says that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Everlasting love is hard to find. He is the God who is there all the time, in season and out, working on the kinks in our lives, little by little.

John 3:16

Warmest regards, kt

Friday, August 12, 2011

Foggy Cliffs

Summer is vacation time and one of my favorite get-a-ways is traveling up the California Coast. Hwy 1 is an incredible ride ... on the back of a motorcycle, or seated inside a car... I think it is safe to say that more beautiful locations cannot be found than those found on a ride up the Pacific Coast Hwy 1.

Foggy Cliffs by Katie Sperry
"Foggy Cliffs" seen below, was painted on my PC with Corel draw art tools a few years back after a trip to Morro Bay, California. In August, usually the hottest month of the year for anywhere in the U.S., the coast line is usually covered with fog in the mornings, burning off in the afternoons. It makes for a season cool enough for an evening of campfires  and an early morning stroll in your favorite sweatshirt! (Cousins Mike and Karla lived in Cambria near there and verify this tidbit of information is true most years.) When I revisist this painting, it brings back the sounds and sights of being there again.  Sights and sounds of the ocean landscape are near and dear to my heart. I have a sketch book full of sketches from that time and hope to soon use some of them in a current composition.

Cities such as Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo, (don't miss Hearst Castle) and more are to be seen and enjoyed traveling up the coastline.  HWY 1

Looking forward to being in Big Bear this weekend to meet up with some old friends. Hearing some oldies too! Hope you are making some happy memories for the scrapbooks too. Summer, believe it or not will soon give way to Fall 2011. Can you believe it? I'm having a little difficulty with that one.
May God bless your day, kt ;)


Just wanted to post about a favorite of mine, that being this painting. Being an artist I love, love art because it is a medium that can capture the emotion, the heart of what the particular artists sees. One of my very favorite artists, if not my favorite is Vincent Van Gogh. He truly has genius going on in this one. FYI: It is called The Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum, Arles, at Night, c.1888 - Vincent Van Gogh
When it was first shown it was called simply "Coffee House, In the evening". No wonder I love it. Cafe Mocha sipping is part of my happy moments scenario! It was the first painting where he painted a starry sky. It leads us in with the cobblestones and then captures the eye with the warmth of the cafe surrounded by the falling of night in the little town center. So interesting and so inviting, so fun it would be to be there. In 1990/91 the town of Arles, France revamped the area to make it look like this painting, how's that for a marketing scheme. To me it is a romantic painting, about a place to meet and enjoy a warm cup of liquid energy in the presence of those who make your eyes smile and perhaps your heart sing.
Don't mind me, I am a hopeless romantic and optimist.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Some things are just simply beautiful. They shake our worlds..and restore our hope.

They are beautiful like.... spray from an ocean wave,
a babies first cry,  the voice of a long lost friend,
Thanksgiving fellowship and Christmas joys,
the smell of breakfast in the morning,
hearing good news long awaited,
holding hands, embracing hope, eyes that smile,
finding someone rare and wonderful,
sunsets in the desert,
giving what you have so others are comforted...

Truly .... beauty is in the eye and heart of the beholder!

Hope you are having one of those beautiful days. kt

Friday, July 29, 2011


Little Ryker Carr is continuing to battle a terrible form of leukemia. Check out this web site and i am going to tell you right now ... your are going to see a family battling with Ryker for his life. Please join others in being there today for and with them. Please visit this site today and be there in support by praying for him and his family. As well as, making a donation if you can.

Loving you... loving God and loving Ryker,

k.t. :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do?

We are created to need a supernatural "friend" my friend. I know on my own, I am not enough for life's many challenges and really really do not believe any of us are.

Psalm 139

A David Psalm
1-6 God, investigate my life; get all the facts firsthand.
I'm an open book to you;
even from a distance, you know what I'm thinking.
You know when I leave and when I get back;
I'm never out of your sight.
You know everything I'm going to say
before I start the first sentence.
I look behind me and you're there,
then up ahead and you're there, too—
your reassuring presence, coming and going.
This is too much, too wonderful—
I can't take it all in!

7-12 Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit?
to be out of your sight?
If I climb to the sky, you're there!
If I go underground, you're there!
If I flew on morning's wings
to the far western horizon,
You'd find me in a minute—
you're already there waiting!
Then I said to myself, "Oh, he even sees me in the dark!
At night I'm immersed in the light!"
It's a fact: darkness isn't dark to you;
night and day, darkness and light, they're all the same to you.

When you don't know what to do.... walk, run to the Hope found in Christ. He sees you. He hears your thoughts. He is the One who knows all about us. Everything is open to Him. Jesus is the One who is there in the dark with us, sees our sorrow and angst. Jesus is the One who can bring us back, up and out of every troubling situation we are seized by.

Today possibly you, your friends and family members are facing circumstances you never thought you would see. So many out of work, and it seems to me that more people are just going through all sorts of personal crisis as well. Our worlds are being shaken and we may be questioning the very foundational truths of our lives. Many, simply don't know what to do. Decisions, choices made under stress, can seem to be the wrong thing for everyone concerned. And, then there are those times when we just know, we are making the right decisions based on all the advice/facts that we can muster, and yet turn out wrong. It seems our own understanding, knowledge, experience and positivity is not enough. I certainly have been there. And, probably will be there again. Perhaps you have never been there, but will be there in the future.

Hope is found in Christ for any and all circumstances.

Words for the difficult seasons of life.

The Message (MSG)
16-17"This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn't go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again.

2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.
Psalm 18:6 Psalm 34:17 Psalm 57:2 Psalm 84:2 Psalm 102:1

The following link is for Ryker Carr, a little baby boy who is needing a lot of prayer and financial support. Check out his link, his mom and dad are personal friends of mine. Thanks

Friday, July 22, 2011


Old friends and new friends, friends are a treasure we are given and embrace. To have a friend you must be a friend. Friendship develops when meals are shared, churches gather, little league teams form. They are created wherever we create room for them.

In this age of digital connectedness, the world is getting smaller.Yet, while the internet is interactive, it lacks real familial connectedness. It has the ability to make us aware of some of the things our friends are involved in and enjoying... it also gives, I believe, a false sense of relationship. Intimate relationship seems more difficult, rather than easier nowdays.

Love is a choice.The spark of the divine is found in relationships that put others first.Someone I know served in the military and through training and then combat, has had friendships that have lasted a life time. Through difficult seasons of life there there are those who are there for the long haul and those that fade away. The best thing to do is just to love them all. The good, the bad and the ugly. Love never fails.... people do, love doesn't. Love is powerful and it melds worlds together ... when given the chance to flourish.

I heard it said this week, "Some people look at you, but some look in you." I think that statement underlines the difference between an acquaintance versus a friend. Or perhaps it is about someone who has tried and has become good at being a real friend.

I didn't know I was so conflicted about friendships until I started trying to write about them. Lots of hurt places in my heart concerning relationships, but that's the trade off. For to love much, is to risk the pain of loving. Hurts could come and probably will, but it is worth it to love as a friend. Our frailty, our humanness insures us of mistakes and misunderstandings in life. But that's not the end, if it were, we might all become grumpy trolls and go live under bridges and come out to take tolls of people crossing our bridges. People need the friendship of one another. The trouble is is that we are not very good at it. Wars and rumors of wars, states the tragedy component of being human.

Blessings friend and I hope your life is filled with friendships that last a lifetime.


John 3:16

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Waiting (Updated 7/22/11)

Good things come to those who wait! I'm really hoping that one is true right now. The key to a remarkable person is the ability to wait for what they want. Really this is a line from a movie I am listening to. Cary Grant always gets it right, right? Hmmm....maybe not in today's fast paced social settings.

I am waiting for Robbie to get here as my car is sitting in front of Earlene’s house and won’t start due to the battery cables needing to be cleaned. (I watched my dad do this periodically as a little girl and I might just be able to get er done!…? Right! Wrong!) So I went out there, in the heat of the day to see if I can figure out how to do this little task. I know it’s the cables as … the AAA guy said so when he started it in town about an hour of ago. Anyway, there are these rubber coverings, so there is no way to see the corrosion and no way to take off the cables till…. Robbie gets here. This means that I am going to miss this evenings meeting with my new friend Cheryl. So… here I sit in the air conditioning of course, "Thank YOU God!" recovering from the heat and yes, waiting.

Hope  you are having a better day. … C.

Good things do come for those who wait! Waiting for good things is worth it. Waiting to get to go to Disneyland was a real trip when I lived at home as a kid. I still get that way, but I am not telling anyone but you that. Lol! Talk about anticipating the moments..!

So what are you waiting for? Waiting for the right moment to ask for a raise? Waiting for your spouse to get ready for a visit to your favorite restaurant? Waiting for a special someone to come for a visit? Waiting for a check to come in the mail? Waiting for the economy to recover? Waiting for world peace to come?

Thinking about waiting reminds me that a favorite form of waiting is the kind when I can get something else done while waiting….and the ride in the car to a destination with someone else driving preferably…(Southern California freeways are incredible) the best part of the trip is getting there for me. That is when I can "be with" a fav person.

Just want to also note that quite possibly some of the best moments of the human experience are the ones we spend waiting. Some things are really worth the wait. Trying to remember that while I’m waiting. 

Ok....waiting, update!!

It wasn't the battery (replaced it thought), or the cables after all! It was the starter!! Ouch! Expensive! Anyway ... no longer waiting and thanks to friends, it, the car, is starting GREAT! Pep Boys to the rescue along with some guys I know.

Thanks so much Robbie, Rick, Don Jr. and Don Sr. See you, Kim and family at Bermuda Dunes!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Wrapped in Hope!

When I painted this painting (the one in the picture, I named it The Quilt of Hope) it took me to another place. It wrapped me up with Hope. Hope that at some point I would find all that was in this painting to be true. True for not only myself but for others as well.

God has been faithful and continues to be. I see His miracles daily. Proven entities in my contemporary journey through life, hope and faith, continue to be constant companions from the hand of God to not only me, but all people.

Hope is transforming, it's truth keeps us and redeems our lives.

One part of my "crazy quilt" painting is a certain patch where the word miracle resides. We, each one of us, are a miracle. When we look at anyone, we are looking at a miracle. When we love each other, this is a miracle. When we pray, with faith and hope, this is a miracle. When we know God has heard and answered our prayer, this is a miracle, no matter what His answer.

I hope that you see that you are wrapped up in that hope borne in the heart of God for you.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tissue Issues

Tissue Issues

I don't know about you but I feel so vulnerable when crying. I actually hate to cry.

Maturity demands that we be emotionally in control. But the reality is that sometimes we need to find a safe healthy way to express our emotions. Being with someone else who is on the verge of emotional display is disconcerting sometimes. There are those moments when we just don't know what to say as a person is visibly experiencing sorrow. What about our personal poise under the fire of life battles? Wiser heads than mine, will tell us that sometimes we don’t cry when we oughta be cryin! There is a great temptation to applaud ourselves and others as in denial of  need and pain we ... FORGE... through.... life, stiff upper lip and all.

Tears are a blessing in disguise, they signal a cup that is full. Tears are miraculous and may come to us by way of a passionate moment upon hearing the national anthem, a crumpled flower from the little hand of a child or over the losses of life. The use of tissues for the issues of our hearts is a prerequisite.   

(People used to carry hankies, years ago. My Grandmother, Nina, saved pennies and tied them up in hankies for us when we came to visit her. We thought we had won the lottery. It meant we got to walk down to Kern’s Market, cashing them in for a coke and a Hershey’s candy bar. Remembering now makes me smile, as my dad always had a pocket knife and a white hanky handy in his pocket for my tears and the blowing of this nose! Yuck! :)

The world cries together for some things. Like little Caylee Anthony, so brutally taken from this life. Catastrophic events causing mayhem in homes and lives of people here and abroad are heard of way too often.

We cry at funerals and after. Sometimes we have to wait for the shock to subside. Some people wait a long time and then fall apart when they finally do. Be careful to help put them back together when they do and not to judge too harshly as human frailty shows up in them. Remember a hug is worth a thousand words and if you find yourself crying with them you might someday find yourself laughing with them too.

While tears all the time would really be a handicap, they have an astounding ability to free us up and changes our heart tudes' if you get my drift here. They clear the dark and cloudy skies we have somehow gotten used too. I love the words from this oldies song, "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone, I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind. It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)Sun-Shiny day. I think I can make it now, the pain is gone, all of the bad feelings have disappeared. Here is the rainbow I’ve been prayin? for..It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) Sun-Shiny day."

Those words describe the spring into summer feel that comes to the heart, when finally the tears are shed.

Again, personally, I hate to cry in the presence of others. It’s just very hard to explain ones hurts to others. It’s hard to find someone who can understand and just listen and let it all go.

He listens. He works, I believe, in our lives through our tears. I just know that God, who loves us beyond measure, is able to hear us. God is waiting for the breaking of your heart and then for the tears and the sincere cries of human souls around the world. Perhaps it can be said that tears are a rallying point for wearied surrendered sojourners.

If you need to today take some time out for a good cry, you'll feel better and a little freed up. Be sure to have some tissue for the occasional issues of the heart form tears.

Make it a great day! kt

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Patriots Dream

Read with care!! I am waving my flag today. It is red, white and blue and is our patriots dream come true.

A Boston tea party, Paul Revere's ride, Iwo Jima, Tripoli, Auschwitz, Pearl Harbor, Gettysburg, Baghdad, D-Day, Da Nang Province, MacArthur, Grant, Lee, Washington, George S. Patton (great movie), Betsy Ross and many more known and unknowns have everything to do with the fourth of July, 1776. The words "Give me liberty, or give me death." cost the speaker, Patrick Henry everything. He knew the cost of tyranny's hold and was willing to speak out and die for the cost of the liberty he took to speak them. If we can ourselves somehow realize, this fact, the cost of freedom lost is greater than the cost of our own lives, well then there is still hope for us as a nation.

When on the fourth, we wave a sparkler, rattle pans, look up to see the sky studded with freedoms light, bar-b-q with friends and family, churn the ice cream, break open an ice cold watermelon, sing "America" with our hands over our hearts, simply say, "God Bless America" to ourselves and others, we are part of the celebration of one more year of freedom in America.

Fortunes and lives have been given for the cost of our freedom to wave the red, white and blue. The core of who we are as Americans all, has everything to do with a tremendous passion for freedom. I believe America is still a beacon of hope for others around the world, no matter what the naysayers say. And freedom must be displayed, enjoyed and celebrated today with some knowledge of the sacrifices it has taken to make it the greatest country on earth.

Whether we celebrate simply or lavishly, let us celebrate the freedoms we have with the knowledge that we are celebrating something splendid and for some it has been proven to be worth dying for.

Wave the flag on the fourth and don't forget the cost.