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Friday, September 2, 2011

Vyncent and Anna

His Eye is on the Sparrow by Katie Sperry
Tonight, i stopped by the grocery store before returning home for the night and while there noticed a beautiful young black woman on a bench near the pharmacy. Her long black curly hair, her upset, tired, disappointed eyes told me a story as I spied the two children in the shopping basket. A toddler, a boy was seated in the seat of the basket, a baby girl in a carrier, was placed in the well of the basket, both looking as if they were up way after their bedtime. Obviously waiting for a prescription to be filled, the woman sat with her head down and her arms crossed in her lap. She looked up slightly and that's when it happened. You may think I'm a little nuts, but this is what happened then. When she looked up, such a sense of God's peace, love and longing to fill her need came over me, it literally felt as if I was drawn to stand directly in front of her, open my arms to her and say, "You look so tired, it's all going to be all right, the Lord says, it's all going to be alright." Inside I was as surprised as she was. Thinking to myself, "What did I just say?" and as soon as I did, I knew it was not me, but HIM.
Tears streamed out of her eyes and then mine, and the man seated next to her said, "Are you an angel?" I said, "No, but God has sent me over here to tell you both, He loves you so much and that He is going to help you. Trust in Him." With wide-eyed surprise registering in their faces, they proceeded to tell me that they had made a change recently, were genuinely sorry for living in ways that hurt them and were starting to follow Christ. They said my coming to talk to them this way confirmed to them that God had heard their prayers.
Humbled tonight by the experience, I am again in awe of the Father, the God of the universe, who is aware of you and I, as well as Vyncent, Anna and their little ones. That He cares and is near to the brokenhearted is certainly a truth to carry throughout this journey of life. 

God bless you all, kt
John 3:16

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