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Friday, September 30, 2011

No One Like Him

You may look all over the world.
You may look under your bed.
You may look up high in the sky.
You may look till your eyes turn red.
Finding Roses by Katie Sperry, (digital painting)
But ....
you'll never find.....
......anyone like..... Him...
for .... He is the rose of Sharon ...
The bright and morning star...
The lily of the valley...
The Prince of Peace...
The I Am that I Am...
He knows your name... counts the hairs of your head...brought the the sun up this morning.
The stars came out because He told them to.
The waves crash with the tide by His design and the earth's spin is set in motion by his voice.

You may look all over the world.
You may look under your bed.
You may look up high in the sky.

You may cry, and yes ... look till your eyes turn red.
you and I will NEVER find.... anyone like Jesus, my friend.

In His love,


John 3:16

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Land of Suddenly, Dungeons and Dragons

Picture by Betty Mincer Nybakken
Going through and staying true...
..Some think they have the corner on the market when it comes to life. Many plod into a "suddenly" and life is not the same. It is there in the Land of Suddenly, that we have a critical mass of decision. Much like C.S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia come to life in an alternate universe, we we find dungeons and dragons to contend with. It seems it is all part of God's plan and purpose to reveal His heart of love for us. No REALLY! Through... rescue, healing, comfort and restoration we begin to process the knowledge of who and what this supernatural companion is all about. We soon quickly realize, this personage is not tame at all... He thinks out of the box at all times and at all costs.

Being loved by the God of the universe is staggering, amazing. He desires the closest of walks with us; for it is there that we can become one with this companion. I know this, as one surrendered heart and life, His heart beats for the world to know Him. It was for their freedom He came. Enclosed in the deepest dungeon we find Him there with a steady hand on the mouths of hungry lions... Confronted by the most challenging of dragons we know Him as the Prince of Peace. If we listen we hear His songs of deliverance through the long dark nights of the soul.

How exhilarating life can be, how challenging it is as well. Sometimes we fall down and yes, how wonderful it is to discover that He is the God of second, third and fourth chances. We are not alone my friend. Bottom line here!

So ... today, with me and a great host of others, go through and stay true.

p.s. thanks so much Betty for the picture.

John 3:16
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Monday, September 26, 2011

Benjamin Franklin Knew What Made Us Great as a People and a Nation

The link above will take you to where this is found on the internet, but I just couldn't help wanting to share with you all what I think made the people who founded this nation great. These truth's still have the ability to lift us up and over circumstances as they bring the blessings of Almighty God upon a people and a nation. Benjamin Franklin leaves us a great heritage and we can only better ourselves by the taking his writings here to heart.

"As we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we should do freely and generously.

These names of virtues, with their precepts, were:

1. TEMPERANCE. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.
2. SILENCE. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.
3. ORDER. Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.
4. RESOLUTION. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.
5. FRUGALITY. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing.
6. INDUSTRY. Lose no time; be always employ'd in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.
7. SINCERITY. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.
8. JUSTICE. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.
9. MODERATION. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
10. CLEANLINESS. Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation.
11. TRANQUILLITY. Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.
12. CHASTITY. Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation.
13. HUMILITY. Imitate Jesus and Socrates.

My list of virtues contain'd at first but twelve; but a Quaker friend having kindly informed me that I was generally thought proud; [...] I determined endeavoring to cure myself, if I could, of this vice or folly among the rest, and I added Humility to my list."

Benjamin Franklin wrote this list of virtues as something to strive for. Each week he would focus on one virtue and record in his journal the number of times he failed. The next week he would focus on a different virtue. When the first virtue came around again, he would compare his progress with his previous effort. Franklin always hoped to see himself improve in virtue though he did not expect to ever reach perfection.

John 3:16

Saturday, September 24, 2011

First Fall Leaf 2011

Beautiful Claremont Village, a sizzling hot day about two weeks ago, hosted the scene of a startling first fall leaf... performing ... a smooth little dance... called "The First Fall Leaf Dance of 2011". It was one of those moments when it all stands still and you just stare... I remember it turned over and over, with a diagonal course from it's all green full foliage tree.  Never saw it reach the ground as I sped past at 25 mph. But I had seen it dance and knew that nature would soon wear an Autumn gown. It was a signaling to me and now you, that yes, a change of season has come.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Clara Mae

You cannot talk about her without talking about the bedrock of her life.

When she was young, very young, she remembers the church services and bible studies held in their living room. There was always prayer, a seeking of God and a leading of others to know and be saved. John 3:16.

Clara Mae and Grandson Jason
She is very funny in quiet ways. She loves her family, friends and church and they love her, one and all. If you have been around her very much you have been privileged to watch a life well lived. Although she would be the first to say how imperfect one can be, she would also tell you that the Jesus is always with us no matter what. You will find her on any given day reading her Bible, praying, cross-stitching and crossword puzzling!

Small in frame, but oh, so mighty in God. Her pelvis fractured this week. On the way from the hospital emergency room to the rehab, she told the paramedics about her Jesus. I am watching her go through this latest challenge and am in awe of her. She says, "I am believing God for a speedy recovery." Her piercing brown eyes look right through you into the supernatural world, taking hold of tangible faith and bringing it into our world. 

She was born in the state of Wyoming. Soon after the family moved to Long Beach, CA, she remembers being baptized in the Pacific Ocean, just off of the Beaumont Pier as a three year old. She related to Earlene and I how she was so afraid of the water, but wanted to be baptized enough that she overcame that in order to do it. Quite a determined three year old I say. She never forgot it, and she says it came from the fact that her mother Coral and her Aunt Leta held services in their home each night. The atmosphere was saturated with the presence of God and when she was a little older at the ripe old age of six, she recalls, praying in the closet under the stairway to receive the "baptism in the Holy Ghost". . . and guess what, she did.You may like to read more about this element in the Bible, Act chapter 2.

She is a faithful follower and lover of Jesus, a great grandmother, a grandmother, a mom, a prayer warrior, a bold witness. She was the wife of a pastor and her son, became a pastor. She was a Women's Ministries Leader in her local Assemblies of God for years, as well as being pne of the first women grocery clerks during WWII!!!

Today she said, " I've never doubted the Holy Ghost or my salvation. I haven't always been as strong as I wanted to be. I prayed and asked God to help me and He did." Clara's is a life lived in the shadow of His wings. It is the Word of God, stronger than any two edged sword, to the tearing down of strongholds, evidenced in the lives of all those she prays for, that I believe marks her.

She was better today and I hope you will lift her up in prayer.

In His love,

John 3:16

Thursday, September 15, 2011

C J Needs Blankets and Jesus!

You never know what a day will hold. Jesus is still the answer for the world today.....

Tonight I saw her coming toward me, just up ahead, out of the dark with her three dogs in tow. Dressed in a spaghetti strap pink blouse and blue jean shorts she was a sight. She pushed a stroller filled to the brim with "stuff", no babies. Crying that her boyfriend of five years, had stolen her blankets for the night, she was a puddle of tears and fears, I asked her name. She exclaimed, "C J". I couldn't help feeling for her and went back into the church, hoping to help her out for the moment. Something to keep her warm and food for her and her dogs had been found.My daughter in law, Debbie, senior pastor of the church took all this on in stride as the homeless are always a stones throw away from the door of the Wesleyan United Methodist Church on Arlington, in Riverside, Ca. With kind resolve she went about filling the immediate felt needs of a homeless sister standing at the door of the church. Prayer, blankets and the filling of empty stomachs for both her and the dogs and the night was a little better for CJ.

PS - John 3:16

Friday, September 9, 2011

Watermelon Tea, Lily Hope, Mommy Wendi and me!

Lyli Hope, Mommy Wendi and me,
yes we three,
had fabulous fun at our "Watermelon Tea".

Wendi a daffodil yellow and Lyli a perfectly pink cup, and yes I had the sweet green

... filled with such a lovely ambrosia of watermelon tea.

What a joyful time had we, laughing and singing while nibbling lemon crumpets and sipping amazing watermelon tea.


John 3:16

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wowza Moments

First sight of your children and grandchildren.
Saying the prayer of repentance unto salvation.

When Rhema comes to you from the Word of God.
Realization of answered prayer.

Looking into the eyes of someone who loves you.

Winning Bishop High School home football games when your kids are playing.
Losing Bishop High School home football games when your kids are playing.

Sunsets and sunrises.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Marantha Summer! 2011 Fall is Coming!

Summer is almost over, can you believe it? Along with all the wonderful things that summer is (home grown fruits and veggies, baseball games, bar-b-q, vacation, travel time and weather and so much more...) we
have experienced an incredible season of cooler than normal temps, sizzling heat, earthquakes where they don't normally happen, many many tornado's and now enormous HURRICANES! Can you believe this?

Many people are asking themselves, "What is going on?"  A relative who normally doesn't express any belief in God, asked me just that, "What is going on?" seemingly baffled, she continued, "I believe that it is the end of time, like some of the ministers are talking about on t.v.? What do you think?"

What an opportunity it was to tell someone that yes we can know the season when the Lord's return will be. And, that we can only be ready to meet Him by receiving the gift of eternity in Heaven by praying a prayer of repentance.

So now... Fall is on the horizon...

Today I was out in town and noticed how lush and green the trees are now. I couldn't help seeing them in my minds eye, dressed in a soon to be pallet of umbers, golds, and scarlets.

Just as the seasons, change and vary, so is the world now in a different time and yes, season. Maranatha!

In His love,


P.S. John 3:16

The Road Named Surrender

Proverbs 23
No one tells you the name of the road, only that you have to walk it by yourself, no one else can walk it for you... so the song goes.

Recently heard this quote, "Life is not about the journey, but about the connections you make along the way." So true don't you think? So to remember that we are not really alone is a good thing, but to also know that we do walk along alone in so much of life is also a good thing. For then we know that we need to gain the resources it takes to be a vibrant, living, well human being. Be thankful for family and friends who walk with you through the storms of life, but know that we really are on our own on so many varied levels.

Fishing Friends Parade by Katie Sperry
Also, my friend Josie has this emblazoned on a plaque decorating a wall in her home, "Life is measured by every moment that takes your breath away." Probably true as well?

At this juncture, i am of a mind, that life is all about one thing, that is being one surrendered life. Thinking about the journey, leads me to relate a recent personal discovery. Which is the name of the road. Are you ready, (drum roll) It's name must be ..... "Surrender". We have it seems, at least most people I have been privileged to know have, an innate desire to be "The Master of Ones Own Universe", but truth be told, unseen hands plot against that happening at every turn. Life is designed to be full of many things that can include, but are not limited to: triumph, trial, error, joys, despair, restoration, happiness, unhappiness, loss, fear, challenges, hopes, hopelessness, dreams, failure, success. Yes, and then we arrive again and again, at this very important one, it is a constant, the question of surrender.

A prayer of surrender could go like this,
"Lord, I surrender to you my hopes, my dreams, my life, everything I want to be, everything I am not, everything i need to be, everything i hope to be, everything I think you want me to be, what I am, what everyone else wants me to be (etc.), I surrender them all to you."

First hand, I can tell you that as we pray a prayer similar to that one, a sense of greater peace and resource rises within. Relaxing a tightfisted grip on the process of life, trusting God enough for us to realize His grip on us ushers us to the places we need to be in heart and mind.

Happy traveling,


John 3:16

Friday, September 2, 2011


Summer night, restless dreams,

relentless cricket chirping on the front porch,

front screen door open, fan blowing...

but the edges of this night...

are sensitive to a change of season breathing near.

Fall will dance in amazing finery, shimmering and turning our hearts and minds to home again...

Constantly watching for the first glimmering of gold,
amber and scarlet...are we....

while this summer night slips and sleeps around us now...

waiting for the cooler edges of the morning to come...


Where are you? tonight?


John 3:16

Vyncent and Anna

His Eye is on the Sparrow by Katie Sperry
Tonight, i stopped by the grocery store before returning home for the night and while there noticed a beautiful young black woman on a bench near the pharmacy. Her long black curly hair, her upset, tired, disappointed eyes told me a story as I spied the two children in the shopping basket. A toddler, a boy was seated in the seat of the basket, a baby girl in a carrier, was placed in the well of the basket, both looking as if they were up way after their bedtime. Obviously waiting for a prescription to be filled, the woman sat with her head down and her arms crossed in her lap. She looked up slightly and that's when it happened. You may think I'm a little nuts, but this is what happened then. When she looked up, such a sense of God's peace, love and longing to fill her need came over me, it literally felt as if I was drawn to stand directly in front of her, open my arms to her and say, "You look so tired, it's all going to be all right, the Lord says, it's all going to be alright." Inside I was as surprised as she was. Thinking to myself, "What did I just say?" and as soon as I did, I knew it was not me, but HIM.
Tears streamed out of her eyes and then mine, and the man seated next to her said, "Are you an angel?" I said, "No, but God has sent me over here to tell you both, He loves you so much and that He is going to help you. Trust in Him." With wide-eyed surprise registering in their faces, they proceeded to tell me that they had made a change recently, were genuinely sorry for living in ways that hurt them and were starting to follow Christ. They said my coming to talk to them this way confirmed to them that God had heard their prayers.
Humbled tonight by the experience, I am again in awe of the Father, the God of the universe, who is aware of you and I, as well as Vyncent, Anna and their little ones. That He cares and is near to the brokenhearted is certainly a truth to carry throughout this journey of life. 

God bless you all, kt
John 3:16